Wednesday, 27 February 2013

#One Week - Winter 3

Let's go and feed the ducks, she says.
OK, I say.

Off we go, armed with bread.

Hello Mr Mallard she says and hello Mrs Mallard she says again.

Ducks, ducks she sings,
Where are you?
We've got some bread for you, she calls singing the words, surprisingly gently, to them.

                                                          We get dive bombed, of course.

  Go away seagulls, she shouts, as she stamps her feet on the buggy.

  The bread is not for you pigeons, she objects.

The seagulls win and nick the bread.
We are surrounded by seagulls and pigeons, all around us and our bright pink buggy.
This was not the quiet walk to feed the ducks I had in my mind.
How do we get out and away from the masses that have encircled us?
"Winter" post for One Week  day 3 over at Older Mum - where you can read more!


  1. Oh no! Ambushed! And you can tell you were with all the action and flapping in that photo! :o).

  2. Bloody gulls! Great action photo.

    I am such a wus when it comes to feeding the birds. Tippi Hedren I ain't.

  3. so horrible when that happens - seagulls can be such a menace! But great shot of them hovering and swooping in x

    1. thanks - these birds have no sense of personal space at all.

  4. I love the movement of the wings in that photo - truly great shot!


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